Abraham, Norman---Chaney, Donald---Moores, Michael----Swift, Robert, Notkin, Jerome J. Interaction of Earth and Time. Rand McNally & Company. Chicago, ILL---Copyright 1973. Great diagrams and explanations of weather events for students.
Van Rose, Susanna. Earth. Dorling Kindersley. Eyewitness Books. Dorling Kindersley Publishing Inc. New York---Copyright 1994. Student friendly explanation of Earth, it's formation and components.
William, Jack. The Weather Book. Vintage Book. Vintage Books. A Division of Random House Inc. New York---Copyright 1992. Good examples of weather phenomena and student friendly.
White, Larry. Energy: simple experiments for young scientists. Milbrook press publication. Brookfield Connecticut---Copyright 1995. Good explanations for mini experiments for younger students.
Zike, D. The Earth Science Book. Dinah-Might Activities Inc. Texas---Copyright 2001. Great examples of activities to explain the properties of water and other phenomena on Earth.