As soon possible after your chat, write this Reflection. Try not to let too many hours go by before you sit down at your word processor or computer. Your purpose is to SHOW us, while it’s still fresh in your mind, what “happened”
as a
of your discussions.
Section One: Record Keeping
let me know…
· the title and author of your book
· The names of people
at your discussion and those who are absent?
· The total number of pages that are in
copy of the book?
· The total number of pages that
have read so far?
· The number of pages each group member has read so far?
Section Two: The Chat
In this section, describe, as specifically as you can, the conversation that took place. [
Organize your summary around the issues that came up
, as well as how each of the group members responded and contributed. You may, if you choose, polish some of your journal writing for this part of the paper...]
What’s bothering the members of your group (and what are you liking) - concerning the ways the characters are
about things - you know,
(the characters’) philosophies regarding various issues. Did you point out any
to one another? - If so quote them for us. What are any of you noticing about the way the characters are
- which of these emotions seems familiar? Which seems to make no sense? What
the various members of your group
wondering why
about? What
are they offering? What
are they making - to their own walk-around-ordinary-everyday-world experiences, or to other things they’ve read? In other words, what real-life sense is any of this making?