This unit will be a study of our solar system and how we fit in. The main goal of this unit is to help students understand our place in space by comparing Earth to the other planets in a variety of ways. Students will learn characteristics of each of the planets, including earth, in order compare other planets to ours. They will look at the placement and order of the planets, as well as their distances from the sun. Students will look at relative sizes of planets, in order to compare them. Students will learn about rotation and revolution. They will also study the characteristics of each planet individually. The unit will culminate with a comparison of Earth to another planet. In this way, students will understand how Earth is similar and how it is unique to other planets in our solar system.
This unit has been designed for students in a dual-language school. Students in dual-language school receive instruction for all curricular areas in two languages, ours being Spanish and English. This unit will be taught in Spanish to a mixed group of students; that is, students who are native Spanish speakers, as well as students who have had little to no Spanish background before entering the program in Kindergarten. Because of this mix of language skills, special considerations and modifications are necessary. There will be intensive vocabulary building and reinforcement and use of pictures and visuals to teach and demonstrate concepts and vocabulary. A table of important vocabulary, both scientific and everyday, has been included in each lesson for this purpose. It can be used in regular education classrooms, as well, and is highly adaptable for English Language Learners (ELLs).