Connecticut State Language Arts Standards - 7
Having completed this unit, the students will have achieved the following goals for language arts from the Connecticut State Department of Education English Language Arts Curriculum framework.
Standard 3: Communicating with Others
Students produce written, oral and visual texts to express, develop and substantiate ideas and experiences.
How do we write, speak and present effectively?
Students use descriptive, narrative, expository, persuasive and poetic modes.
use oral language with clarity, voice and fluency to communicate a message.
listen to or read a variety of genres to use as models for writing in different modes.
use the appropriate features of persuasive, narrative, expository or poetic writing.
write to delight in the imagination.
Students prepare, publish and/or present work appropriate to audience, purpose and task.
determine purpose, point of view and audience, and choose an appropriate written, oral or visual format.
apply the most effective processes to create and present a written, oral or visual piece.
revise texts for organization, elaboration, fluency and clarity.
research information from multiple sources for a specific purpose.
publish and/or present final products in a myriad of ways, including the use of the arts and technology.