Bell. Michael. Visual Journaling 2006. A Web site that defines visual journaling and provides many examples of visual journals. Includes a video clip explaining visual journaling.
Feishleiser, Rachel and Larry Smith, ed., Not Quite What I was Planning: Six Word Memoirs. New York: Harper Collins, 2008.
Examples of how different individuals created concise memoirs.
Feishleiser, Rachel and Larry Smith, eds. I Can't Keep my Own Secrets: Six Word Memoirs by Teens Famous and Obscure. New York: Harper Collins, 2009.
Examples of teenagers' six-word memoirs.
Capacchione Lucia, The Creative Journal. Athens,OH: Ohio University Press, 1979.
Explains how to start a creative journal. Has excellent visual examples of visual journal pages. Gives suggestions for prompts.
Capacchione, Lucia, Creative Journal for Teens. New York: Career Press, 2008.
An updated version of her book by the same title but designed specifically for teenagers.
Ganim, Barbara and Susan Fox, Visual Journaling, Wheaton, IL: Quest, 1999.
This book focuses exclusively on expressing emotions and feelings through visual journaling.
Hoden, Jane S. Moved To Write, Hartford: Wadsworth Athenaeum. n.d.
An excellent curriculum guide for teachers with many activities that connect fine art and writing. Concentrates on pieces from the Wadsworth Athenaeum collections but easily adapted to all works of art.