Lesson One: Historia
Help students to understand other cultures to reinforce and expand their knowledge of other disciplines (standards 2.1 and 2.2)
Learning Objectives
As a result of this lesson students will be able to:
1. Practice their reading comprehension skills.
2. Build on their oral reading skills.
3. Develop understanding of other countries and cultures.
4. Understand the importance of history as part of the identity of countries.
5. Read and gather information of a text written in Spanish in order to recognize the main ideas.
6. Learn new vocabulary in the target language.
7. Express relevant information in their own words.
Text and Power Point presentation on the main events of the years of the Second Republic in Spain, timeline graphic organizer, pictures and posters from that time, computer, speakers and LCD projector.
Students will be asked what they know about Spanish 20th century history.
1. The teacher will write the responses on the board so students can go on adding to their classmates' answers.
2. Students will read the reading comprehension handout on the Second Republic out loud, in turns.
3. Students will have a couple of minutes to underline the vocabulary they do not know.
4. The teacher will ask students questions about the text in order to find out if they have understood the main ideas.
5. Students will write in the graphic organizer what they consider to be the most important concepts or ideas of the reading.
6. Common exposure of the previous exercise-discussion.
7. The teacher will show the Power Point presentation on the Second Republic.
To wrap up the lesson the teacher will show a couple of pictures of the time to students, ask them to pick one and different students will be asked comment on it.
Assessment / homework
Students will be asked to write a 10-15 line paragraph in Spanish describing the picture they chose and how they think is related with what they have learned in the lesson.
Lesson Two: Poesía
Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics by reading, understanding and interpreting poems (Standards 1.2, 2.2 and 3.1)
Learning Objectives
As a result of this lesson students will be able to:
1. Practice their reading comprehension and listening comprehension skills.
2. Build on their oral reading skills.
3. Read, interpret and analyze poems.
4. Learn and recognize basic poetry/literary/stylistic terms.
5. Learn new vocabulary.
6. Make connections between disciplines.
Copies of the poem "Prendimiento de Antoñito el Camborio en el camino de Sevilla" by Federico García Lorca in Romancero Gitano, graphic organizer, computer with Internet access, speakers and LCD projector.
Teacher will start the lesson asking volunteers brief questions about La Generación del 27 and García Lorca (e.g.: name one of Lorca's early books, name three Generation poets, etc)
1. Teacher will play the You Tube reading of the poem "Prendimiento de Antoñito el Camborio en el camino de Sevilla" (10)
2. Teacher will ask students what they think the poem is about.
3. Teacher will then give a written copy of the poem and the graphic organizer with questions about the poem to students.
4. Teacher will reproduce the video again, asking students to silently read along.
5. Students will be asked to complete the graphic organizer (they will have to classify words in terms of function and also look for thematic groups: guardia civil/gypsies/nature/death.
6. Students will assist another student to reproduce and complete and correct the graphic organizer in the board.
7.Students and teacher will discuss all the semantic fields in the poem as well as some of the main poetic characteristics.
8. One (or two) student(s) will read the poem out loud.
9. The students will pair up in groups of two and will go over the poem in order to be
able to complete a questionnaire on the meaning of the poem
10. Different pairs of students will be ask to explain the meaning of the poem to the rest of the class.
A couple of groups will share their responses with the rest of the class
Assessment / homework
Students will choose a poem they like and analyze it for homework.
Lesson Three: Art
Students will reinforce and further their knowledge of other art through Spanish and demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied (Standard 3.1 and 2.1)
Learning Objectives
As a result of this lesson the students will be able to:
1. Practice their reading comprehension skills.
2. Observe and describe pieces of art.
3. Build on their writing skills.
4. Look for information in different electronic resources.
5. View, interpret and recognize pieces of art.
6. Express reactions toward a particular piece of art.
7. Make connections between literature and art in the Generation of 1927.
Numbered transparencies of some representative works, Salvador Dali's paintings and some of García Lorca and Alberti's drawings, written Spanish description of the paintings and drawings, computer, LCD projector,
Students will write on an anonymous flashcard everything they remember about the previous mini-research on Salvador Dalí.
1. The teacher will redistribute the cards to students so they can read out loud, to the rest of the class the content and explain (in the target language) to the rest of the students if they agree or disagree and the reasons why.
2. The teacher will give students a set of untitled and separated descriptions of different paintings and drawings by Dalí, Federico García Lorca and Rafael Alberti (students will be familiar with some of them because they would have been used/shown in previous Power Points)
3. Some students will read the descriptions out loud
4. Students and teacher will closely look at the numbered paintings/drawings.
5. Students will be given some time to pair the descriptions of paintings/drawings with their author and with the number of transparencies they have seen.
6. Students and teacher will correct the exercise and further comment on the art.
7. Students will chose one of the art pieces and will write a 10-15 line description of the painting/drawing stating what they think it represents, and why they chose it
To wrap up the lesson the teacher will pick up the essays
Assessment / homework
Students will try to find a poem (in English or Spanish) that they think would go with the painting/drawing they chose. They will have to explain their choice orally.