This unit will give students the understanding that their five senses work together all the time in order to allow their body to function properly and explore their world. You touch, hear, see, taste, and smell in order to adapt to a new environment. Students will learn that the nerves in their nose, skin, tongue, eye, and ears take in all of the different information around them. They bring all the different sights, smells, feelings, sounds, and tastes together and send messages to the brain.. Your brain processes the information and interprets what you smell, see, feel, hear, or taste. This unit is intended to demonstrate through hands on activities that without the information we receive through our five senses we could not function as the beings we are and that each sense is important in its own right, but each has limitations. On the other hand, one heightened sense can be used to compensate for the loss of another. Another important aspect of learning about our senses is to become aware of physical handicaps that may cause difficulty for people who do not have access to these senses.