This unit will use literature skills such as labeling, reading, connecting literature to science and self. It will also use math skills such as comparing and contrasting, graphing, analyzing, data collection, organization and presentation. As a pre and post-assessment, students will be tested on their ability to recognize and identify their five senses and the body part associated with each sense.
The concepts this unit covers are as follows: 1) Using the five senses to explore or learn about the world around us. Students will use their five senses and go on a sensory walk around our school. 2) Determining that objects have properties by using their five senses. Students will use their sense hearing, smelling and touch to discover the contents of sealed boxes. 3) Sorting and comparing objects by properties using our senses. Students will use their sense of touch to sort objects by texture. 4) Understanding that objects can be similar and different from each other. Students will use their sense of smell to tell the differences among clays that has different scents.