At the end of this unit, students will be able to:
1. Define infectious disease.
2. Demonstrate how infectious diseases are transmitted from human to human contact (virology lab).
3. Observe the growth of bacterial populations and factors that inhibit the growth of bacteria.
4. Compare and contrast the pathogenic replication process when infecting a host.
5. Specify why humans are susceptible to disease from infectious microbes (transmission factors).
6. Define evolution.
7. Compare the evolution process of bacteria and viruses, in relation to human evolution.
8. Define genetic variability and explain the purpose of genetic variability (genetic evolution)
9. Identify different medical treatment for bacterial and viral infections.
a.Observe population trends and patterns when humans are exposed to medical treatments (i.e. antibiotics and vaccines)
10. Write about a scientist who contributed to the field of evolutionary biology and microbiology.
11. Evaluate and defend current treatments for various infectious diseases.
12. Support whether or not evolutionary biology is important in medical advancement in the treatment of infectious diseases and explain how universal healthcare plays a role in the treatment of ill patients.