Adoff, Arnold. Black Is Brown Is Tan. Amistad/Harper-Collins Publishing Company. New York (2003) An inspiring poetic creation that celebrates the family and love that knows no racial boundaries.
Greenfield, Eloise. Nathaniel Talking. Writers & Readers Publishing, New York (1993). An energetic, feisty nine year old named Nathaniel "raps" about his perception of his world.
Heard, George Songs of Myself: An Anthology of Poems and Art. Mondo Publishing, New York (2000). A wonderful anthology of poems with which all children can identify.
Hughes, Langston. The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes. Vintage Press, New York (1995) A wonderful collection of poetic works created by this Harlem Renaissance, award-winning author.
Rampersad, Arnold and Roessel, Editors. Poetry for Young People: Langston Hughes. Sterling Publishing Company, New York (April 2006). More collected works by this world-renowned, African-American author. Conscientiously compiled for young learners by Stamford University professor Arnold Rampersad and co-editor Roessel, the poetry collection is accompanied by a biographic sketch of the literary artist.
Mendehlson, Editor. Poetry for Young People: Edward Lear. Sterling Publishing Company, New York (April 2010). A poetic collection filled with Lear's catchy rhythms and style; includes a biographic sketch about the 19
century poet/illustrator, along with background information about each of the 35 poems contained therein.