Forming a General Understanding:
Students will identify the main idea of the text.
Students will use relevant information from the text in order to summarize ideas from the text.
Developing an Interpretation:
Students will use information/evidence from the text to draw a conclusion.
Making Reader/Text Connections:
Students will make connections between the text and outside experiences and knowledge.
C-2: S
tudents will select, synthesis and/or use relevant information within a written work to write a personal response to the text.
The three CMT 4
Generation strands will be used throughout the unit. After each lesson the students will be asked to make a connection to the text or find something in the text that could be relatable, and use outside experience to discuss the connection more widely with their peers. In addition, students will have the opportunity to draw a conclusion about the text lessons that the class is reading. Each lesson will also be equally important in the comprehension of the material as it pertains to the connections the students make by using what they have learned.
These learning objectives are implemented during the phase of writing in which the students will plan their storyboard to pictorially and verbally present to their classroom audience. The students will be used to using graphic organizers to clearly organize their information appropriately according to people, places, and key events of the war. The writing lessons will focus on writing about events using sequential order or presenting the events determining the main idea.
Writing Objectives/Indicators of Mastery:
Students will use graphic organizers and notes to plan and write their ideas/piece.
Students will write about historical events, people, and places by using facts and details.
Students will participate in writing lessons about historical events.