Students will work cooperatively in groups of five to write, illustrate, and create a storyboard to explain the cause-and-effect relationships and/or events of the Revolutionary War. The students will have to use all of their knowledge that they were presented throughout this unit to verbally and pictorially present the events of the war using the appropriate vocabulary terms associated with the war. The students must choose how they are going to present the information on the storyboard. For example, they may choose to draw a sequence of events with no words, or they may choose to insert the events in comics. They must plan with their group what will be pictorially presented in their piece and the way in which they will present the written information.
Students will be given a model to follow, as well as a specific rubric, which will serve as their guide of what to include in their final culminating project. This rubric will serve not only as a guide for them, but also as a teacher's assessment tool that will tell the teacher if the students have followed the directions successfully.
The standards for this unit will align with the Connecticut Mastery 4
Generation fifth- grade strands. The standards for Reading Comprehension objectives include:
· Forming a General Understanding
· Developing an Interpretation
· Making Reader/Text Connections
· Connecting and Responding
· Connecting Content and Structure