Mary Lou L. Narowski
There are two basic objectives integrated into my unit. The first is
to identify the author's use of structure, organizational patterning, and vocabulary as it applies to basic comprehension as well as understanding sound in poetry
. To achieve this goal, my students will begin our study of poetic verse writing a literary device poem. Subsequent poems will incorporate recognition, analysis, and practice as a measure of identification. My students have engaged in a cursory examine of poetry up to this point. It is my hope to extend this strategy and increase their virtuosity through the use of analysis. My second objective will be
to analyze the author's poetic craft in extended, significant, and specific ways especially as it applies to tone.
This can be treated as a natural extension of sound by focusing on Tone. My students intrinsically understand the underpinnings of sound as expressed in their comments about poetry. They know the feel and mood of a poem but need to understand why they know this. We will investigate an author's specific, characteristic ways of speaking and writing as it this relates to tone. This will be another bridge from defining to recognizing to using sound as they write.