Michael J. Rosen.
Home: A Collaboration of Thirty Distinguished Authors and Illustrators of Children's Books to Aid theHomeless
New York: Harper Collins Children's Books.1992. Resource for poem selection.
http://www.edhelper.com/poetry/Oranges_by_Gary_Soto.htm. May 6, 2011.
A copy of the poem
by Gary Soto.
http://www.famouspoetsandpoems.com/poets/robert_frost/biography. June 25, 2011.
A User friendly biography of Robert Frost.
http://www.potw.org/archive/potw8.html. May 5, 2011.A copy of
We Wear the Mask
by Paul Laurence Dunbar.
http://www.csun.edu/~hcedu013/eslbil.html- May 5, 2011.
bilingual website with strategies to use while teaching poetry. June 14, 2011.
http://www.csustan.edu/english/reuben/pal/append/axf.html. May 20, 2011.
Website describes the elements of poetry.
Flanagan, Mark. "What is Poetry, Grasping at theIndefinable." http://contemporarylit.about.com/od/poetry/a/poetry.htm,
June 20, 2011.
Frost friends. "The Poetics of Robert Frost – Examples."
http://www.frostfriends.org/sounddevices.html. June 16, 2011.
Frost, Robert. "The Imagining Ear." Library of the Americas. October. 1995. Reference for Frost's ideas about tone
http://www.garysoto.com. May 4, 2011. personal website of Gary Soto with biography and teacher information.
http://www.greatsource.com/rehand/9-12/pdfs/rhlpb11_ElementsofPoetry2.pdf. May 30, 2011.Teaching lesson plans on sound, mood, tone, inversion, and stanza in poetry.
"Poetry and the Imaging Ear." http://eic.oxfordjournals.org/content/59/2/99.extract, July 3, 2011.
http://www.poetry.eserver.org/. April 15, 2011.poetry index of canonical verse
http://www.poetryfoundation.org/browse/poets#page=5. June 6, 2011. A list of poems and poets with audio for student listening.
http://projects.uwc.utexas.edu/handouts/?q=node/34. April 15, 2011. Excellent outline for analyzing poetry.
The Phrase Finder, http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/31000.html, July 1, 2011. A website that locates origins of famous phrases.
Pope, Alexander.
An Essay on Criticism.
White Fish, Montana: Kessinger Publishing. 2004. Pope's discussion of the value of poetry.
http://www.textetc.com/traditional/sound.html. June 17, 2011. Understanding sound patterning in poetry.
http://www.uleth.ca/edu/currlab/handouts/poetry_ideas.html . June 2, 2011. Teaching Ideas Showcase: starred ideas for teaching poetry.