Adar, Sara D., Davey,Mark, Sullivan James R., Compher,Michael, Szpiro, Adam L., Liu, J. Sally. "Predicting airborne particle levels aboard Washington State school buses" Atmospheric Environment 42 (2008): 7590–7599.
(This study examines the toxicity of particles.)
Kyle, Amy D., Woodruff ,Tracey J., Buffler ,Patricia A., Davis, Devra L.. "Use of an Index to Reflect the Aggregate Burden of Long-Term Exposure to Criteria Air Pollutants in the United States." Environmental Health Perspectives (Brogan & Partners) 110 (02 2002): 95-102.
Useful template for combining risks in a mathematical model.
Barraza-Villareal, Albino, Sunyer, Jordi, Hernandez-Cadena, Leticia, Escamilla-Nunez, Maria Consuelo, Sienra-Monge, Juan Jose, Ramirez-Aguilar, Matiana, Cortez-Lugo, Marlene, Holguin, Fernando, Diaz-Sanchez, David, Olin, Anna Carin, Romieu, Isabelle. "Air Pollution, Airway Inflammation, and Lung Function in a Cohort Study of Mexico City Schoolchildren." Environmental Health Perspectives (Brogan & Partners) 116, no. 6 (June 2008): 832-838.
Chunlei Li, Quyen Nguyen, Patrick H. Ryan, Grace K. LeMasters, Henry Spitz, Megan Lobaugh, Samuel Glover and Sergey A. Grinshpun "School bus pollution and changes in the air quality at schools: a case study." Journal of Environmental Monitoring 11 (February 2009): 1037–104.
This study examines the ambient air around schools and bus stops
City of New Haven. "School_System_Map_2010." (accessed 04 2011).
CT Department of Environmental Protection. (accessed 05 2011).
Delfino, Ralph J., Zeiger,Robert S., Seltzer, James M., Street, Donald H. and McLaren, Christine E. "Association of Asthma Symptoms with Peak Particulate Air Pollution and Effect Modification by Anti-inflammatory Medication Use." Environmental Health Perspectives 110, no. 10 (October 2002): A607-A617.
Environment & Human Health, Inc. Children's Exposure to Diesel Exhaust on School Buses. North Haven, CT, 2002.
This study has great graphics and is readable for students. Many graphs that demonstrate the variability in pollution levels.
Environmental Protection Agency. "2009 Annual Report on Air Quality in New England ." New England Regional Laboratory , EPA, North Chelmsford, MA, 2010, 99.
—. "2011 PM 2.5 Exceedances." Environmental Protection Agency. 07 11, 2011. (accessed July 14, 2011). EPA. "Deisel Exhaust in the United States." no. EPA420-F-03 ( June 2003).
—. "Office of Transportation EPA420-F-06-064 and Air Quality October 2006 Program Update."
—. "United States Air and Radiation Environmental Protection Agency Office of Transportation and Air Quality Regulatory Announcement." Clean School Bus. (accessed june 2011).
Gilmour, M. Ian, Jaakkola, Maritta , London, Stephanie, Nel, Andre, Rogers, Christine A. "How exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke, Outdoor Air Pollutants, and Increased Pollen Burdens Influences the Incidence of Asthma." Environmantal Health Perspectives 114, no. 4 (April 2006): 627-633.
Hatic, Halida. "Reducing pollution from school buses." Ct department of environmental protection. 01 2009. /ct_dep_school_bus_workshop_hatic_%5Bcompatibility_mode%5D.pdf (accessed 04 2011).
Hill, Bruce L., Zimmerman, Neil J.,Gooch, James. "A Multi-City Investigation of the Effectiveness of Retrofit Emissions Controls in Reducing Exposures to Particulate Matter in School Buses." The Clean Air Task Force, 2005. This study has photos of the equipment in bus retrofitting
Berhane, K. , Zhang, Y., Linn W.S. , Rappaport E.B. , Bastain, T.M, Salam, M.T. , Islam ,T. *, Lurmann,F., and Gilliland ,F.D. . "The effect of ambient air pollution on exhaled nitric oxide in the Children's Health Study." European Respiration Journal 37 (2011): 1029–1036.
Kado, Norman Y., Okamoto, Robert A., Kuzmicky, Paul A.,Kobayashi, Reiko, Ayala, Alberto, Gebel,Michael E., Rieger,Paul l. Maddox,Christine and Zafonte, Leo. "Emissions of Toxic Pollutants from Compressed Natural Gas and Low Sulfur Diesel-Fueled Heavy-Duty Transit Buses Tested over Multiple Driving Cycles." Environmental Science & Technology 39, no. 19 (2005): 7638 -7649.
Lee, Rebecca E, Booth, Katie M. Reese-Smith, Jacqueline Y, Regan, Gail, and Howard, Hugh. "The Physical Activity Resource Assessment (PARA) instrument: Evaluating features, amenities and incivilities of physical activity resources in urban neighborhoods." International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2, no. 13 (September 2005): 9.
Sabin, Lisa d., Behrentz, Eduardo ,Winer, Arthur m. Jeong, Seong, Fitz, Dennis r. Pankratz, David v. Colomed, Steven d. and Fruine. Scott a."Characterizing the range of children's air pollutant exposure during school bus commutes." Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology 15 (2005): 377–387.
Schwartz, Joel, Laden, Francine, Zanobetti, Antonella. "The concentration-Response Relation between PM 2.5 and Daily Deaths." Environmental Health Perspectives (Brogan & Partners) 110, no. 10 (October 2002): 1025-1029.
National Center for Safe Routes to School. "Safe Routes to School Noteworthy Practices Guide." National Center for Safe Routes to School, Federal Highway Administration, 2010.
New Haven Ecology Project. "Environmental Justice Project Power Point." New Haven Ecology Project. (accessed 04 2011).
Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management. "New Haven School Bus Retrofit Project Final Report to the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection." Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management, Boston, 2006.
Payne-Sturges, Devon C. Burke, Thomas A. Breysse,Patrick Diener-West, Marie BuckleyTimothy J. "Personal Exposure Meets Risk Assessment: A Comparison of Measured and Modeled Exposures and Risks in an Urban Community." Environmental Health Perspectives (Brogan & Partners) 112, no. No. 5 (04 2004): 589-598.
Rim, Donghyun, Siegel, Jeffrey, Spinhirne,Jarett , Webb, Alba and McDonald-Buller,Elena. "Characteristics of cabin air quality in school buses in Central Texas." Atmospheric Environment 42 (2008): 6453-6464.
State of Connecticut. " Asthma Data Fact Sheet for The Five Largest Cities in Connecticut." Connecticut Department of Public Health, 2009.
—. air indicator. (accessed 04 2011).
—. "Connecticut safe routes to school." Connecticut Department of Transportation. (accessed 04 2011).
State of Connecticut. "Connecticut School?based Asthma Surveillance Report 2010." Public Health, State of Connecticut, 2010.
Stevens Institute for Technology. Clean School bus curriculum. (accessed 05 2011).
The city of New Haven. "Annual Report 2010." New Haven City Plan Department, City of New Haven, 2010, 30.
The College Board. "StatIstIcs Course Description." AP Course Audit. 2010. (accessed May 07, 2011). "The effect of ambient air pollution on exhaled nitric oxide in the Children's Health Study."
Therese F. Mar, Karen Jansen, Kristen Shepherd, Thomas Lumley, Timothy V. Larson, Jane Q. Koenig. "Exhaled Nitric Oxide in Children with Asthma and Short-Term PM 2.5 Exposure in Seattle." Environmental Health Perspectives, 113, no. No. 12 (Dec 2005).
Weil, Madeleine R. " New Haven Community Climate Change Action Plan ." City Plan, City of New Haven, New Haven, 2004, 67.