Larissa A. Spreng
Hello students,
Today we start our puberty unit. This unit will be stretched over the course of ten weeks. You will learn about your body through the lens of puberty:
1. Reproductive parts
2. Ch-ch-ch-changes
3. Males + puberty
4. Females + puberty
5. Males + Females = ?
6. Got bones?
7. Muscle builder
8. The brain… controls puberty!
9. Hormones highway
10. Digesting the right foods during puberty
There are two main reasons why we are studying this puberty unit.
First, you need to know the science about your body's changes.
Second, you need to have all the right information so that you can make healthy choices about your body.
You are a beautiful person. Right now, your body is going through some important changes that can be both exciting and uncomfortable. You are changing from a child into a young adult. You are becoming young men and women.
You should not be afraid of the changes going on in your body. You should not be ashamed of the changes going on in your body. Your body is nothing to be afraid or ashamed of. Your body is sacred because you are sacred. Your body is beautiful because you are beautiful. Your body is yours and yours alone. Be proud of your body, and learn to keep your body healthy and safe.