Bade, R., & Parkin, M. (2011).
Foundations of economics
(5th ed.). Boston: Pearson Addison-Wesley.
This is the AP edition of the Foundations of Economics textbook and discusses all the large topics covered on the AP Microeconomics exam. Relevant to this unit, Chapters 10 and 11 discuss the economics behind government regulations like taxes and subsidies while also discussing externalities and the rationale behind having government intervention in the first place.
Cobb, C. W. (1998).
The roads aren't free: estimating the full social cost of driving and the effects of accurate pricing
. San Francisco: Redefining Progress.
This book examines the full cost of driving, including the negative externalities that aren't externalized by most drivers. This book, although a bit dated, attempts to reveal that there are many aspects consumers don't take into consideration when using public goods. Specific to this unit, this book delves into the environmental costs of driving and using petroleum instead of renewables.
Estimating U.S. Government Subsidies to Energy Sources. (n.d.).
Welcome to the Environmental Law Institute
. Retrieved July 30, 2013, from innovation_governance_energy.cfm
This energy report, published by the Environmental Law Institute delves into the government subsidies for fossil fuels and renewables. This report is a great resource for learning specifics about the types of subsidies that exist for various energy resources.
Tickell, J. (Director). (2010).
[Documentary]. USA: Blue Water Entertainment.
This documentary delves into the history of the American auto and petroleum industries. It examines renewables as alternatives to standard gasoline and discusses the role large companies play in shaping society's perception of goods and services.
Patz, J. A., Campbell-Lendrum, D., Holloway, T., & Foley, J. A. (2005). Impact Of Regional Climate Change On Human Health.
(7066), 310-317.
This report delves into the many health implications caused by climate change. The authors examine how temperature changes impact the spread and growth of human diseases. This source is particularly helpful in this unit in that it provides a lot of detail into the many negative externalities that exist and are caused by climate change.