Shaunquetta N. Johnson
Teaching 3
grade can be a challenge! My class of 26 energetic students keeps me on my toes. Teaching students in two consecutive years has its benefits though. The major benefit is students are comfortable and trusting with me and their classmates. Most students have a high confidence level because of the classroom culture I was able to create having ample time to get to know my students. In turn, they were given time to learn about and from each other. As a result the classroom was an atmosphere of risk taking, acceptance, and trust. My students are accustomed to my rules, routines, and procedures due to me looping up from 2
grade to 3
grade. There is only one phenomenon that can disrupt my plans and distract my students. That phenomenon is flatulence, more commonly known as intestinal gas. My students would roar in laughter and look curiously around to locate the culprit. The passing of gas was more smelly than noisy. I decided to have a discussion about passing gas to minimize the distraction and inquire what students knew about the process.
Breaking wind, passing gas, farting, pooting, cutting the cheese, dropping a bomb, making a stink, letting one go, and silent but deadly are all colorful common terms used to describe flatulence. Flatulence is one of those occurrences that people deem embarrassing and taboo to speak about in public. Students love saying "eeeewwww" or "what's that smell" when they hear someone passing gas. Some students laugh in hysterics when the sound of flatulence is emitted. Even though students are aware that everyone "does it", the background knowledge of how and why flatulence is formed is obscure.
Who? What? When Where? Why? How? are the basic questions students learn to ask to deepen their comprehension on any given subject. Although inquiry is encouraged in science, these questions are mostly taught and emphasized during language arts instruction. My goal is to utilize and transfer these questions into science resulting in students becoming more curious about how and why things work. I want students to ponder and contemplate on parts and functions of their body and how their choices to treat their body affect their health.
I anticipate students will develop questions around topics they find interesting and enjoy. Students typically enjoy talking and learning about staying healthy, foods and eating, animals, and keeping the environment clean. Keeping these ideas in mind, I plan to develop a curriculum unit around a topic that truly interests my students. Additionally, I will infuse their curiosity with a deeper understanding of their body and how some body parts function. The most befitting topic I envisioned teaching my students is an occurrence that takes place every day and to everyone. My unit will address the phenomenon of flatulence!