Students will be able to research how Indian nations and activist groups began to gain political clout in the 21
Century in preparation for a mock trial against the BIA and DOI held by the United Nations
Estimated time to complete lesson: five class periods
Main Idea: Research how Indian nations, tribal leaders, and activist groups began to gain political clout in the 21
century; Use the findings in a mock trial (U.S. B.I.A. & D.O.I. vs. the United Nations)
Do Now: Why is it important for people who have been wronged to be able to seek justice?
Connection: In the mock trial students will use the evidence they have found to determine if the B.I.A & D.O.I. are negligent in their care for sovereign American Indian tribes despite their activist activities.
Activity: (Day 1) Students will break up into groups: Prosecution team will include A.I.M., tribal leaders, and other activists and the Defense team will be the B.I.A. & D.O.I. A third team of students will act as the U.N. Panel that will make the final decision. They will review documents that are given to all the groups to make sure they have the facts. The U.N. Panel team needs to be 3 or 5 people to make sure that a decision is reached. On this day students will review the documents provided to show that the U.S. government is guilty or not guilty of negligence to care for a sovereign nation within their borders.
(Day 2-3) Students will continue collecting facts and review procedures for mock trial; graphic organizer provided for them to complete.
(Day 4) Students will conduct a mock trial and complete an assessment based on the activity.
Homework: Based on the U.N. Panel teams decision were the American Indian nations given justice?