Christine A. Elmore
Materials: chart paper, black marker, a copy of the unit’s Readers Theatre play, a simple list of character traits (found in Section 3)
Objective: To find four quotes made by a character in the play and infer what character traits are suggested.
Teacher creates a large chart on which she draws a large stick figure surrounded by four speech bubbles. Under it is the question: Look at the character’s words. What kind of person is he/she like? Room on this chart after this question is left for recording the students’ ideas.
The teacher asks the class to choose one of the four characters from the play: Portia, Bassanio, the Prince of Morocco or the Prince of Arragon and writes that name above the stick figure.
The teacher then reads different quotes in the play made by that character and writes them in the speech bubbles.
The teacher rereads each quote again and then asks the students to help come up with character traits (found on a list the class is given and is familiar with) that can be inferred by the words and tell what kind of person the character is.
The teacher will encourage students to offer their own opinions. This will encourage a more rich discussion. The traits will be written in the space provided on the chart.
The same can be done with each of the four characters in the days ahead.