Christine A. Elmore
Materials: chart paper, black marker, bio poem template, pencils, copy of the unit’s Readers Theatre play, character traits list
Objective: To write a bio poem about one of the main characters in the play
1. The teacher will begin by modeling how to write a bio poem about the Prince of Arragon following the following format:
Bio poem
Character’s name
Adjective to describe the character
Adjective to describe the character
Adjective to describe the character
Wishes for
Dreams of
Wonders about
Is afraid of
Believes that
Learns in the end that
2. The teacher will ask students to help her fill in the information, emphasizing the necessity of it being accurate in regard to this character.
3. Together the class will reread the completed poem in ‘shared reading’ style.
4. The teacher will then write the names of Portia, Bassanio and the Prince of Morocco on the board and ask student pairs (teacher-chosen to ensure that a struggling reader is matched up with a more capable one) to choose one of the characters to write a bio poem about.
5. Equipped with their character traits list, student pairs will go off with their template, list and play and work together to write the poem. The teacher will circulate during this time offering help whenever it is needed.
6. On successive days the teacher will hold writing conferences with the student pairs to help them create their final drafts that reflect their best word choices and effort.
7. The students will then present their poem to the class by reading it in some shared manner.