CT New Generation Science Standards:
Plan and conduct an investigation of the properties of water and its effects on Earth materials and surface processes. (HS-ESS2-5)
Develop a quantitative model to describe the cycling of carbon among the hydrosphere, atmosphere, geosphere, and biosphere. (HS-ESS2-6)
Construct an argument based on evidence about the simultaneous coevolution of Earth's systems and life on Earth. (HS-ESS2-7)
Changes of energy and matter in a system can be described in terms of energy and matter flows into, out of, and within that system. (HS-PS3-3)
Models (e.g., physical, mathematical, computer models) can be used to simulate systems and interactions - including energy, matter, and information flows - within and between systems at different scales. (HS-ETS 1-4)
District Standards:
D 1. Describe the effects of adding energy to matter in terms of the motion of atoms and molecules, and the resulting phase changes.
D 19. Explain how chemical and physical processes cause carbon to cycle through the major earth reservoirs.
D 20. Explain how solar energy causes water to cycle through the major earth reservoirs.
D 9.8 Accumulation of metal and non-metal ions used to increase agricultural productivity is a major source of water pollution.
D INQ.8 Use mathematical operations to analyze and interpret data, and present relationships between variables in appropriate forms.
D INQ.10 Communicate about science in different formats, using relevant science vocabulary, supporting evidence and clear logic.