- Competency One: Problem Solving and Critical Thinking
- Competency Two: Accessing and Analyzing Information
- Competency Three: Communication and Collaboration
- Competency Four: Creativity and
1Climate Health Education Project, Climate Justice Schools.
2Christina Nunez, “Carbon dioxide levels are at a record high. Here's what you need to know,” National Geographic.
3Bhavnani, Foran, Kurian, and Munshi, Climate Futures: Reimagining Global Climate Justice, “The Future Is Ours to Seek.”
4Ibid, 3.
5Oxford Dictionary, https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/us/definition/english/anthropocene
6Vishwas Satgar, The Climate Crisis: South African and Global Democratic Eco-Socialist Alternatives, Wits University Press, 2018.
7Joy Harjo, An American Sunrise: Poems.
8Hannah Holleman, “No Empires, No Dust Bowls,” online lecture, 25 May 2021.
9Wanuri Kahiu, Pumzi, https://vimeo.com/46891859.
10Cajetan Iheka, Naturalizing Africa: Ecological Violence, Agency, and Postcolonial Resistance in African Literature.
11Ibid, 136.
16Ibid, 131
17Ibid, 132
20Ibid, 135
21Hannah Holleman, “The Eco-socialist Imperative,” Left Voice, 13 Oct 2016.
25Hannah Holleman, “De-naturalizing Ecological Disaster: Colonialism, Racism, and the Global Dust Bowl of the 1930s” The Journal of Peasant Studies.
26Nemonte Nenquimo, “This is my message to the western world – your civilisation is killing life on Earth,” The Guardian.
27Maren Hassinger, Leaning, MOMA.
29Kojo Abudu, Frieze, “Artist Maren Hassinger Mourns Our Lost Connection With the Natural World.”
30National Museum of Woman in the Arts, Maren Hassinger on Wrenching News (2008), YouTube
31Will Furtado, America Latina, “Inventing Your Own Game - Maren Hassinger: ‘We Are Not Alive to Make Money.’”
32Zoë Lescaze, “LaToya Ruby Frazier, American Witness,” The New York Times.
33W.E.B. DuBois, “Reflections upon The Housatonic River,” and Victor Feldman,” Du Bois’ environmental legacy celebrated at River Walk, by his ‘golden river,’” The Berkshire Edge.
34LaToya Ruby Frazier, Artist’s Statement, “Ten Contemporary Artists Explore the legacy of W.E.B. Du Bois in Our Time,” UMass Amherst, Fine Arts Center.
35LaToya Ruby Frazier, “Flint is Family.”
36Mattie Kahn, “Flint is Family,” Elle Magazine.
37LaToya Ruby Frazier, “Flint is Family,” 2016.
38Manoush Zomorodi, Maria Paz Gutierrez, Sanaz Meshkinpour, “LaToya Ruby Frazier: What Is the Human Cost of Toxic Water and Environmental Racism?” TED Radio Hour, NPR News.
39Money for Human Needs, moneyforhumanneeds.org, 25 Mar 2021
40National Priorities Project, “President Biden's FY 2022 Budget Request,” and “The Pentagon Increase is the Size of the Entire CDC Budget.”
41New Haven Peace Council, “Sign Petition: Decrease Military Spending, Save Jobs, Fund Needs.”
42Adrian Huq, Connecticut Peace Conference Presentation.
43Emory Douglas, “Emory Douglas: Designing Justice,” Lecture
44Dread Scott, “Counter Currents: Dread Scott on Emory Douglas,” Walker Art.
45Dress Code, “Emory Douglas: The Art of The Black Panthers.”
46Dread Scott, “Counter Currents: Dread Scott on Emory Douglas,” Walker Art.
49Emory Douglas, MOMA, The Black Panther Newspaper, vol. 3, no. 13 (Avaricious Businessman).
50Emory Douglas, MOMA, The Black Panther Newspaper, vol. 3, no. 22 (Our fight is not in Vietnam).
51Angelica McKinley and Giovanni Russonello, “Fifty Years Later, Black Panthers’ Art Still Resonates,” The New York Times
54Dress Code, “Emory Douglas: The Art of The Black Panthers.”
55Sean Malloy, Out of Oakland: Black Panther Party Internationalism During the Cold War, 2017.
56The First International Conference of Negro Writers and Artists, Presence Africaine.
57New Haven Public Schools, 21st Century Competencies.