1 Martin Reynolds Shifting Frames: Pedagogical Interventions in Colorblind Teaching Practices, in Seeing Race Again. Countering Colorblindness across the Disciplines 356
2 Tukufu Zuberi, Thicker Than Blood: How Racial Statistics Lie, xvi
3 Tukufu Zuberi, Thicker Than Blood: How Racial Statistics Lie, xviii
4 Danny Martin, Researching Race in Mathematics Education, 312
5 Gregory V. Larnell, Erika C. Bullock, and Christopher C. Jett., Rethinking Teaching and Learning Mathematics for Social Justice from a Critical Race Perspective.", 26
6 Marvin Lynn, “Toward a Critical Race Pedagogy: A Research Note, 616
7 Gregory V. Larnell, Erika C. Bullock, and Christopher C. Jett., Rethinking Teaching and Learning Mathematics for Social Justice from a Critical Race Perspective.", 21
8 Tonya Gau Bartell , Learning to Teach Mathematics for Social Justice: Negotiating Social Justice and Mathematical Goals, 160
9 Pam Seda, Kyndall Brown, Choosing to See;A Framework for Equity in the Mathematics Classroom, Appendix D
10 Martin Reynolds Shifting Frames: Pedagogical Interventions in Colorblind Teaching Practices, in Seeing Race Again. Countering Colorblindness across the Disciplines 365-366
11 Tukufu Zuberi, Deracializing Social Statistics:Problems in the Quantification of Race, 176