The unit attempts to involve students in the historical process at a personal level by making use of the familiarity the student already has with the Subject, i.e., his own Hill neighborhood (surrounding Lee High School). The purpose is to challenge the student to become a better inquirer, a better observer, a better fact gatherer. a better thinker. Although specifically designed to aid teachers in the Hill, this project also provides practical methods and ideas for teachers involved in teaching a “neighborhood” unit. Teaching strategies and lessons are divided into four sections, each covering one week of classwork. Classroom activities, again divided by week, are followed by two appendices: one on weekly core concepts and the second, a sample worksheet. The unit concludes with an annotated bibliography.
(Designed to be used in a grade 9 Social Studies class; useful in middle and high school “neighborhood” projects.)
Key Words
Hill Neighborhood New Haven Connecticut Urban Development