New Haven’s Hill Neighborhood
Peter Neal Herndon
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The curriculum unit described here is intended for ninth graders at Richard C. Lee High School, as part of a larger unit on New Haven. The unit will attempt to involve students in the historical process at a personal level by making use of the familiarity the student already has with the subject, i. e., his own Hill neighborhood which surrounds the high school. It is the author-teacher’s intent to challenge the student to become a better inquirer, a better observer, a better fact-gatherer, a better thinker because of having been exposed to this unit of study. Obviously, certain facts will be taught; how many of these so called facts are retained, I maintain, depends on their usefulness and interest to the student and the creativity and enthusiasm of the teacher. This unit should prove to be a useful resource for anyone desiring information about a specific neighborhood called the Hill; also, it should provide practical methods and ideas for middle or high school teachers involved in teaching a “neighborhood” unit.