Martha T. Youngblood
The impetus for developing a unit for teaching reading comprehension through social studies readings is the result of work with middle school special education students who are showing adequate progress in reading, English and math. The youths, however, lacked knowledge of the world around them. The students could relate a few facts about the United States and the state of Connecticut, but their need for a broader awareness of the world was obvious.
These students also scored well on the word attack section of the Woodcock Reading Mastery Test; however, they fell several years behind in reading comprehension and oral reading fluency. The students also did not perceive social studies as a “real” subject. Yet, in order to function in mainstream classes, the student is required to progress in all areas of the curriculum. Thus the marriage of reading and social studies also served as the thrust to wean the special education student into the mainstream social studies class.
(Recommended for Special Education Social Studies/Reading classes, grades 6-8)
Key Words
World Immigration Geography American History Social Studies Reading Instruction