By reading the specifically paired works of white and black women writers, students will identify similarities and differences in their themes over time. They will also compose their own writing to parallel their readings. Unit contains helpful background information.
(Recommended for AP American Literature, grade 11)
99.01.02While teaching reading to low-achieving high school students, this unit uses The House on Mango Street, by Sandra Cisneros, to examine the politics of gender. The text is a vehicle for discussing the role of women, in general, not just those represented through the Hispanic in the novel.
(Recommended for English and Reading, grades 10-11)
99.01.03This unit uses Toni Morrison’s novel, Beloved, as a work of historical fiction and as literature. Students engage with historical events surrounding the story’s events, as well as the artistic and literary events of the text. Contains considerable background information, along with questions and lesson suggestions related to specific pages found in the book.
(Recommended for English and History, grades 10-12)
99.01.05Using multicultural fiction, students examine the similarities and differences in the development of female characters as mothers. Additionally, they take a closer look at their own mothers and grandmothers as they function in their family role and as women with individual dreams and heartaches. The development of literacy skills appears throughout. Ample related information facilitates the teaching of this unit.
(Recommended for English Literature and Writing, grades 9-12)
99.01.07In order to expand the use of women writers in the multicultural readings assigned to high school students, this unit focuses on developing an understanding of the "female voice," through a study of Charlotte Gilman’s, The Yellow Wallpaper.
(Recommended for English, grades 9-12)
99.01.08Using literature, integrated with art, music, and film, students explore the character development of daughters in multicultural fiction by women writers. Further, they will examine their own experiences as daughters and sons.
(Recommended for English Literature and Writing, grades 9-12)
99.01.09Using literature, first grade students learn about and gain an appreciation of Chinese culture. Unit integrates art, music, and puppetry. Includes an original play for production.
(Recommended for Reading and Language Arts, grades 1-3)
99.01.10This unit presents a variety of literature by women authors who focus on the African American family, their struggles and strengths. Contains background information. Uses integrated art activities.
(Recommended for Language Arts and Social Studies, grades 3-5)
99.01.11In order to expand students’ exposure to women writers, this unit offers an approach to teaching the components of short stories by using literature written by women authors.
(Recommended for Language Arts and English, grades 6-10)
99.02.01This unit provides insights into the history and culture of the Aztecs prior to the Spanish conquest, including a graphic interpretation of the "calendar stone," Piedra del Sol, as a final project.
(Recommended for World Culture and Spanish I-IV, grades 9-12)
99.02.02This unit introduces students to the history of Mexican art and its link to the art of today. Students will use related techniques to develop art that relates to Mexican culture. Uses the resources of the Yale Art Gallery.
(Recommended for AP Art, grades 10-12)
99.02.03Through a highly integrated approach, students increase their understanding of Mayan and Aztec history and culture. Emphasis is on creative dramatics.
(Recommended for Theatre and Social Studies, grades 5-8)
99.02.04This unit explores the artistic traditions of the Maya, especially through music. Presents a brief history of the Maya, with a focus on some of the significant periods in that history.
(Recommended for Music and Social Studies, grades K-8)
99.02.05This unit provides the teacher with some background information on the Maya, along with a series of lessons based on performance tasks needed to master the content area. Integrates visual art, the media library, and technology resources.
(Recommended for Social Studies, Language Arts and Mathematics, grades 2-4)
99.02.06This unit, featuring Diego Rivera and his murals, integrates the art curriculum with a Social Studies unit that explores the Mexican mural movement, New Deal Programs, and murals in New Haven. Activities involve the regular teacher, art teacher, and media specialist. Involves field trips to see New Haven murals.
(Recommended for Social Studies, grades 4-8)
99.02.07Designed as a six-week unit for Hispanic Heritage week, this unit presents hands-on projects, writing assignments, and the study of maps and graphs.
(Recommended for Language Arts, Social Studies, Arts and Science, grades 3-6)
99.02.08As students explore the influence of native cultures, especially Mexican, on art, this unit focuses on the Mexican artist, Frida Kahlo and the influence of ancient Mexican civilization upon her art.
(Recommended for Art and Social Studies, grades 11-12)
99.02.09This unit contains a dramatization of the Popol Vuh, a sacred narrative of the Quiche Maya of Guatemala, along with technical suggestions for a simple reading or a full-scale performance. Includes a recipe for sweet tamales, a symbolic creation of people.
(Recommended for ESOL, Language Arts, and Social Studies, grades 4-8)
99.02.10After developing a background knowledge about the history of Tenochtitlan, students build their own model of the city and construct a mural of the culture of Mexico, depicting the icons of power. Contains considerable background information.
(Recommended for Art, Mathematics, Social Studies, and History, grades 6-12)
99.02.11Through examining the art of Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera and experiencing their mode of expression, students will visually investigate the topics of each artist’s identity as well as looking at their own.
(Recommended for Art, Language Arts, and English, grades K-12)
99.03.01Through an examination of immigration to the United States, students develop a chronological history showing the diverse groups that immigrated here. Contains considerable background information and a few related word problems but no answers.
(Recommended for History and Mathematics, grade 8)
99.03.02In this unit, students study the diverse groups who immigrated and contributed to the city of New Haven over the past three hundred and fifty years. Highlights both individuals and ethnic groups.
(Recommended for Social Studies and U. S. History, grades 4-12)
99.03.03Designed to present a picture of Native American migration to this continent, the spread and development of their cultures, their conflict with European immigrants, and their attempts to preserve and promote their culture, this unit also attempts to help students overcome misunderstandings and prejudices from the past.
(Recommended for U. S. History, World History, and Law, grades 9-12)
99.03.04Though designed primarily to teach graphing skills to middle school students, this unit also contains information regarding the diverse populations from Africa, the Caribbean, Puerto Rico, China, and Japan that immigrated to the United States.
(Recommended for Mathematics, grades 6-8)
99.03.05Through the use of acting techniques and research, students will integrate drama with the immigration process by creating a character from somewhere other than the United States.
(Recommended for Drama and Speech, grades 9-12)
99.03.06Focusing on Italian immigration between 1870 and 1220, students will explore five categories: reasons for leaving birth land, the crossing, Ellis Island experience, immediate settlement, and examples of prejudice and discrimination.
(Recommended for U. S. History, grade 11)
99.03.07While examining Puerto Rican immigration, this unit presents a view of Puerto Rican culture, immigrants’ motivation to leave and then return, and their resiliency which helped them preserve their identity. Contains background information and an inquiry into possible future status.
(Recommended for U. S. History, grades 11-12)
99.03.08The aim of this unit is to study the history of the Irish in America by exploring the history of the New Haven Saint Patrick’s Day Parade. Contains related information.
(Recommended for U. S. History, grades 5-8)
99.03.09Though beginning with a brief discussion of world migration and movement to America, this unit talks primarily of the African American experience in the United States. Scattered background information is included.
(Recommended for U. S. History, grades 11-12)
99.03.10This unit consists of a six-week study designed to investigate America’s past immigration practices, analyze present policies toward bilingual education, and forecast a possible future status. Encourages informed debating. Designed for gifted middle school students.
(Recommened for Social Studies, grade 7)