Jay M. Brown
Directions: In the blank before each item in Section I place the letter of the definition from Section II which best explains it.
Section I
1. _____Shtetl 2. _____Pale of Settlement 3. _____Pogrom 4. _____Immigrant 5. _____May Laws 6. _____Sweatshop 7. _____Landsmanschaften 8. _____H.I.A.S. 9. _____Garment Industry 10. _____Uprising of the 20,000 11. _____The Forward 12. _____Kehillah 13. _____Emma Lazarus 14. _____David Dubinsky 15. _____Sidney Hillman 16. _____Samuel Gompers 17. _____A. Cahan
Section II
A. Violent attacks on Jews. B. Discriminatory laws against Jews. C. Area of Russia where Jews were confined. D. A small town in which Jews lived. E. A person who leaves one nation to settle in another. F. Organization which helped Jews to immigrate. G. Factory in which very low wages were paid. H. Mutual Aid Society. I. Businesses that made clothing. J. Strike of garment workers. K. NYC’s organized Jewish Community. L. Yiddish newspaper. M. Author, poem on the Statue of Liberty. N. President of Amalgamated Clothing Workers Union. 0. President of ILGWU. P. President of AFL. Q. Editor of Yiddish newspaper.
Key: 1D 2C 3A 4E 5B 6G 7H 8F 9I 10J 11L 12K 13M 140 15N 16P 17Q