Jay M. Brown
Edelman, Lily, ed.,
Jewish Heritage Reader
New York: Taplinger Publishing, 1965, An anthology of articles on various aspects of Jewish life.
Glazer, Nathan, and Moynihan, Daniel P.
Beyond the Melting Pot: The Negroes, Puerto Ricans, Jews, Italians and Irish of New York
Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1970. Contains a discussion of difference between ethnic groups and their achievements.
Handlin, Oscar.
Adventure in Freedom: Three Hundred Years of Jewish Life in America
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1954. Emphasis on the East European Jewish immigration after 1881.
Higham, John.
Strangers in the Land: Patterns of American Nativism, 1860-1925
New York: Atheneum Press, 1968. Reaction of “Americans” to foreigners.
Hindus, Milton, ed.
The Old East Side: An Anthology
Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1969. Consists of essays and documents written by noted Jewish and non-Jewish personalities who lived on the Lower East Side.
Howe, Irving.
World of Our Fathers
New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976, Excellent for material on the journey of the East European Jews to America and the life they found and made here.
Karpf, Maurice.
Jewish Community Organization in the United States
New York: Bloch Publishing, 1938. Covers the history of the major and minor Jewish community organizations and the role they played.
Kessner, Thomas.
The Golden Door: Italian and Jewish Immigrant Mobility in New York City,1880-1915
New York: Oxford University Press, 1977. Examines the experiences of both groups and explores the process that made Italians and Jews Italian-Americans and Jewish-Americans.
Rich, J. C. “The Jewish Labor Movement in United States”,
The Jewish People, Past and Present
Volume II, Jewish Encylopedic Handbook Inc., Central Yiddish Culture Organization, New York, 1948. Covers the history of the Jewish unions in America.
Rischin, Moses.
The Promised City: New York’s Jews
New York: Harper and Row, 1970. The encounter between Eastern European Jewish immigrants and New York. The immigrants search for a new community life.
Weiser, Marjorie, ed.
Ethnic America
New York: H. W. Wilson Company, 1978. Anthology of recollections of immigrants in various ethnic groups and the reactions of citizens to the newcomers.
Wiernik, Peter.
History of the Jews in America
New York: Jewish Press Publishing Company, 1912. Traces the history of the Jews in America from the first Jewish community in the New World.