PART I Circle the right letter
1. What is our country’s most abundant energy resource?
A. Coal
B. Electricity
C. Natural gas
D. Oil
2. What percentage of the oil Americans use is imported from other countries?
A. 10%
B. 20%
C. over 50%
D. 90%
3. Electricity is generated using:
A. Coal
B. Natural gas
C. Uranium
D. Oil
E. All of these
4. The United States uses more energy than:
A. Japan
B. Great Britain
C. West Germany
D. Russia
E. All of the above combined
5. From an environmental standpoint, what is the cleanest energy? A. Oil
B. Coal
C. Natural gas
D. Electricity
6. In the foreseeable future, what kind of energy system is our country likely to have?
A. All-electric
B. All-solar
C. All-gas
D. All-nuclear
E. None of the above
7. What’s the first thing you should do to save energy in your home?
A. Turn down the thermostat
B. Install storm doors and windows
C. Insulate
D. Caulk the windows and the doors
8. In 1976, United States energy consumption
A. Went down nearly 5%
B. Went down nearly 2%
C. Stayed the same
D. Went up nearly 5%
9. Most homes are heated by:
A. Coal
B. Electricity
C. Oil
D. Natural gas
10. What energy provides the largest amount of fuel for America’s transportation system?
A. Natural gas
B. Coal
C. Electricity
D. None of the above
PART II Briefly answer the question
11. What is the energy crisis?
12. What is a fossil fuel?
13. What is OPEC?
14. What is nuclear energy, and why do they have demonstrations against nuclear power?
15. How can we solve the energy crisis?
This activity will demonstrate to the student how we are totally dependent on energy. Our way of living is completely connected to energy consumption.
Each student when he leaves class should make a list of everything he does for the rest of the day and tomorrow. He should put four headings for each activity. For example:
Activity Machine Type of Energy Source
1. Going home Bus Gasoline Oil
The students should have a working knowledge of the following words and terms used in this unit. Since no textbook will be used, an introductory lesson is necessary to give the students notes and explain the vocabulary. The vocabulary list will expand as the section is taught, but this is a good starting point. It will probably take two days.
1. crisis
2. energy
3. environment
4. fossil fuels
5. non-renewable
6. consumption
7. abundant
8. natural resource
9. pollution
10. finite
11. nuclear energy
12. import
13. export
14. conservation
15. supply and demand
16. efficiency
17. alternative energy sources
18. solar energy
19. self-sufficient
20. dependent
The teacher should research the topic from the mentioned sources and have a set of notes on the vocabulary.
After we have discussed the world energy situation, including OPEC and the strategic importance of energy supplies, this is a concluding lesson on the various countries frequently mentioned in the news. Although this strays from the strict science discipline it is a good example of science and political science undeniably interwoven. As a related topic, there could be a class discussion of the IrAnian hostages’ and what part oil played in the whole scenario.
For each country listed describe their energy resources with one of the following words or phrases; dependent, self-sufficient, member of OPEC
Soviet Union
Great Britain
United States
Saudi Arabia
West Germany