Nuclear power seems to be the answer to our problems. A pound of uranium could provide as much energy as over 1000 tons of coal and more than 30,000 gallons of oil. Basically the fission process releases tremendous amounts of energy when atoms of uranium are split. This is done inside a nuclear power plant where the controversy begins. Connecticut is the most nuclear dependent state in the country with more than 50 percent of the state’s electricity being produced by the atom. There are three plants in operation; Connecticut Yankee in Haddem, and Millstone I and II in Waterford. Also there is a third plant in Waterford under construction.
The controversy revolves around several public fears. One is a possible catastrophic explosion. Another is radiation release into the environment and the other is waste disposal. The opponents of nuclear power say these dangers are so real that construction of new plants should be stopped and operating plants should be shut down. The reality of a possible melt down of a nuclear reactor or another nuclear accident was vividly portrayed by the recent human failures at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania. However, after reading numerous accounts of the happening, it seems as though the mass media created a sensational media event. It demonstrated human failures, but it was in no way close to an explosion or any other nuclear catastrophe.
The harmful effects of radiation exposure include the dreaded disease, cancer and the birth of deformed babies. The nuclear waste disposed creates another potential hazard if it is hijacked by some terrorist or criminal group. What havoc will these unscrupulous people raise?