An Introduction
to Computer Programming in Basic Language
. Rochelle Park, New Jersey: Hayden Book Company, Incorporated, 1978.
The author combines computer programming with the teaching of mathematics. Many flowcharts are demonstrated. Capabilities of the Basic language are presented. Information for operation of programs and comments on error diagnosis are given. Printed results of program runs are shown.
Desmonde, William H.
Computers and Their Uses
. Second Edition. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice- Hall. Incorporated, 1971.
This book gives a glimpse into of digital data processing machines and their uses. It explains the concepts basic to design, programming and applications of the computer by means of simplified examples.
Halacy, D. S., Jr.
Computers The Machines We Think With.
New York: Harper and Row, 1962.
A history of computers from the abacus to the modern electronic digital computers. The basic theories and operation of digital computers are discussed in simple terms. A chapter is devoted to computer language. The effect of the computer on the worker and the economy is discussed. Many photographs, drawings and designs enliven the text.
Hare, Van Court, Jr.
Introduction to Programming: A BASIC Approach
. New York: Harcourt Brace and World, Incorporated, 1970.
An introduction to the use of electronic computers. It encourages the reader to go beyond what he has learned about elementary computer uses and to undertake more advanced applications. It pays attention to difficulty students have in moving from a problem statement to the formalization required to solve a problem. A six step method for doing, this is proposed. A comparison of Basic and Fortran is given.
Herbert, Frank, and Barnard, Max.
Without Me You’re Nothing
. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1980.
A book describing the computer, flow charts, and programming in very clear and concise language.
Nichols, Eugene D., et al.
. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston publishers, 1978.
This text provides a balanced course designed to be mastered by all geometry students. Objectives of each lesson are given. These state very briefly and clearly the student’s expected performance at the completion of the lesson.
Rhoad, Richard, et al.
Geometry for Enjoyment and Challenge
. Evanston, Illinois: McDougal, Littell and Company, 1981.
A new high school geometry text suitable for students of all ability levels. Explanations are very clear and concise. Algebra is reinforced throughout the text. The material is presented in a pleasing manner.