Golden, Neal.
Computer Programming in the Basic Language
. York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1975.
A high school course in BASIC programming. The first four chapters may be used at the junior high level.
Hirsch, Christian R., et al.
. Glenview, Illinois: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1979.
This text has an easy-to-follow format with visual appeal, plenty of exercises, built-in testing, and enrichment features.
Jurgensen, Ray C., et al.
. New Edition. Atlanta: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1980.
A textbook used in many high school geometry classes. It is illustrated nicely and has many sample problems. Exercises are grouped according to their difficulty level.
Kohn, Bernice.
Computers at Your Service
. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Incorporated, 1962.
A history of computers and how they work written in very simple language for children. A glossary of terms is included.
Marateck, Samuel L.
. New York: Academic Press, Incorporated, 1975.
This book is an outgrowth of notes the author used in a course in BASIC that he taught to undergraduates at New York University. It is written for students with no prior knowledge of computers or programming. Its purpose is to teach how to program in BASIC. One new concept is introduced in each program. Problems from various disciplines are discussed. Common mistakes in programming are shown.
Rothman, Stanley, and Mosmann, Charles.
Computers and Society
. Chicago: Science Research Associates,Incorporated, 1972.
The social consequences of computers are explored. The author gives the basic facts of computer technology then constructs an analysis of the social issues on this technological foundation.
Vorwald, Alan and Clark, Frank.
Computers From Sand Table to Electronic Brain
. Revised Edition. New York: Whittlesey House McGraw Hill Book Company, Incorporated, 1964.
A history of computers. Included are an explanation of number systems and instructions for building computers of all kinds. Line drawings simplify and complement the text.