Aphrodite—Venus: goddess of love and beauty.
Ares—Mars: The god of war: protector of fields, leader of military colonists; father of Romulus.
Artemis—Diana: often portrayed as a virgin huntress and identified as a moon goddess; also goddess of childhood.
Athene—Minerva: goddess of war and wisdom,
Atropos—Morta: another goddess of Fate.
Dionysus—Bacchus: god of wine and riotous merriment, Son of Jupiter and Semele.
Eros—Cupid: son of Aphrodite who pierced the hearts of men and women with love darts; god of erotic love.
Hades—Pluto: god of hell.
Hsra—Juno: wife of Zeus: protectress of marriage. Considered by poets to be haughty, jealous, and vindictive. Also queen of heaven: goddess of light, beginnings, birth and women.
Hermes—Mercury: god with winged sandals who serves as herald and messenger of the other gods.
Lachesis—Decuma: one of three goddesses of Fate.
Morpheus, same: god of dreams,
Paian—Apollo: god of light: sun god; god of manly youth and beauty; god of poetry and music, and wisdom of oracles.
Pan, same: goat footed, two horned lover of din and revel; god of shepherds and hunters; traditional inventor of the bagpipe.
Poseidon—Neptune: god of water, horses and chivalry; ruled the ocean.
Priapos—Priapus: god of gardens and vines; god of male generative powers.
Zeus—Jupiter: son of Saturn and Rhea, brother of Pluto and Neptune. He conquered the Titans, deposed his father, gave the sea to his brother Neptune and the underworld to Pluto and kept for himself the heavenly kingdom, God of light, of the sky and weather, and of the state of its welfare and laws,