Achilles (Greek): Son of Thetis and Peleus, Mother dipped son in river in order to make him invulnerable. His only vulnerable part was his heel because his mother held him by one heel: greatest warrior among Greeks at Troy and slayer of Hector.
Adonis (classical): A beautiful youth beloved by Aphrodite, He was born of a myrrh tree. He was slain by a wild boar. After his death, he was changed into an anemone by Aphrodite upon his being restored to her from Hades.
Antigone: A daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta who buries her brother Polynices’ body against the order of her uncle Creon, She was her father’s guide after he had torn out his eyes. She is the symbol of strength and bravery.
Baucis: Wife of Philemon who with him presided over a temple of Zeus,
Ceres (Demeter): Roman goddess of agriculture.
Daphne: A nymph transformed into a laurel tree and thus enabled to escape the pursuing amorous Apollo,
Hercules: A mythical Greek hero fabled for his great strength and especially for performing twelve labors imposed upon him by Hera.
Pandora: She was the box sent by the gods as a gift to Epimetheus, which was forbidden to open; once opened out of curiosity a swarm of evils fell upon mankind.
Phaethon: A son of Helios who drives his father’s sun-chariot through the sky but loses control and is struck down by a thunder bolt of Zeus.
Philemon: a poor aged Phrygian who with his wife entertained Zeus and was rewarded with a splendid temple over which the couple presided.
Prometheus: A Titan who stole fire from heaven and gave it to man, and was consequently put to extreme torture by Zeus,
Proserpina (Persephone): A daughter of Zeus and Demeter abducted by Pluto to reign with him over the underworld .
Romulus: a son of Mars and legendary founder of Rome raised by a she-wolf,
Remus: a son of Mars and slain by his twin brother Romulus.