Barber, Richard.
A Companion to World Mythology
New York: Delacorte Press, 1979. A reference book which is also a collection of tales from A to Z with wonderful illustrations.
Bonnerjia, Biren, A.
A Dictionary of Superstitions and Mythology.
Detroit, Michigan: Singing Tree Press, 1969. A reliable guide for research.
Boswell, Fred and Jeanetta,
What Men or Gods Are These?
New York The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1980, A genealogical approach to classical mythology,
Bulfinch, Thomas,
Bulfinch’s Mythology.
New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co” ND, Excellent retelling of tales in Victorian English,
Carpenter, Thomas H, and Robert Gula,
Mythology: Greek and Roman,
Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts; Independent School Press, 1971. Excellent book with a catalogue of some of the love affairs of the gods.
Clement, Clara Erskine,
A Handbook of Legendary and Mythological Art.
Detroit, Michigan. Gale Research Company Book Tower. Explores symbolism in the illustrated art of ancient myths, with a catalogue of pictures and painters, pp. 418-497,
Fox, William Sherwood,
The Mythology of all Races: Greek and Roman,
New York: Cooper Square Publishers, Inc., 1964. Excellent reference book with a good introduction to the Greek Myths for the novice student,
Murray, Alexander,
Manual of Mythology.
Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1970, Wonderful guide with many plates.
Rose, H,J,
A Handbook of Greek Mythology,
New York E.P, Dutton & Co” Inc” 1959, A wonderful little book which guides us into the world of classic myth.
Schwab, Gustav,
Gods and Heroes.
New York: Pantheon Books, 1946, Fascinating accounts of the tales of Prometheus right up to Odysseus.