The Connecticut Cetacean Society
Contact: Lucinda Hannon
P. 0. Box 9145
Wethersfield, CT 06109 651~8696
Broad spectrum of educational materials on cetacea in natural history, habitat range, different species, and biology. Slide show and text on this material may be purchased for $45.00. Membership price is $15.00 per year and entitles members to attend meetings and receive newsletter,
Local Libraries
Many have books on whales and on mythology. Can obtain hard-to-locate books through interlibrary loans.
Mystic Aquarium
Mystic, CT 06355
Live cetaceans and shows daily. Marine educational books for sale.
Individualized programs for classes may be scheduled. Small on-site library contains books on marine biology.
Mystic Seaport
Mystic, CT 06355
Maritime store and research:library containing displays, books, and documents on whaling. Free to the public. Large outside museum showing traditional boats and whaling exhibits.
Northern New England Marine Education Project
206 Shildes Hall
University of Maine
Orono, ME 04469
Prepared curricula on whaling multi-disciplinary studies as well as other marine curricula, e.g. marine art, marine animals, ships and navigation. Write for information and prices.
Schooner, Inc.
60 S. Water St.
New Haven, CT 06519 865-1737
Contact: Deborah Turnbull
Provides teachers’ workshops and sponsors whale watches. Also offers in-the-classroom, on-the-shore, and on-the-water marine education programs.
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Glouster Point, VA 23062
attn: MEMS
A computerized bibliography of all marine curricula in the United States by subject and grade level. A $5.00 search fee is required, Microfiche can be purchased or borrowed free of charge.
Web of Life
Carver, MA 617-866-5353
Conducts whale watches on weekends from April to October. Trips include a slide show and lecture on background, identification, and life cycles of whales and dolphins.
Whaling Museum
18 Johnny Cake Hill
New Bedford, MA 02740
Maritime library containing books, journals, and other primary and secondary grade resources. Bibliography of whaling books mailed upon request. Free and open to the public,
Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute
53 Wall St.
New Haven, CT 06520
Research library with books containing topics in mythology, literature and poetry. Class sets and materials available to New Haven Public School teachers. *Location of slide show and script on: whales and dolphins in Greek art and mythology, whaling and natural history.*