Alpers, A: Dolphins.
The Myth and the Mammal.
Houghton Mifflin Co: Boston, 1961. An excellent anthology of dolphin mythology and ancient natural history writings. Contains an excellent bibliography to locate original writings. Good source for extended reading activities. Well suited for teachers and studentS above the ninth grade reading level. Out of print; however, it can be obtained through Yale libraries or through a local library on interlibrary loan.
Devine, E. and Clark, M.
The Dolphin Smile.
Macmillan Co: N.Y., 1967. An excellent anthology of dolphin mythology, natural history, and information on contemporary dolphins. Its short stories are well suited for one lesson classroom use. Contains an excellent bibliography to locate original writings.
Ellis, R.
The Book of Whales.
Knopf Co: N.Y., 1980. While mainly a book on the natural history of whales, the introduction contains useful information on whale mythology. It is beautifully illustrated.
Ellis, R.
Dolphins and Porpoises.
Knopf Co: N.Y., 1982. Although this is mainly a book on the natural history of dolphins, the introduction contains useful information on dolphin mythology. It is beautifully illustrated.
Heneson, N. ‘Americans and Animals‘
volume I, (1982).
Kafka, F. J.
Linoleum Block Printing.
Keystone Books: London.,1977
McIntyre, J.
Mind In The Waters.
Charles Scribner’s Sons: N.Y., 1974. An excellent anthology of stories of appreciation on whales and Dolphins. Well suited as a reference for teachers and for students reading on a senior high school level. Good black and white illustrations.
Norville, W.
Celestial Navigation Step by Step.
International Marine Pub. Co: Camden, Maine, 1973. Good introduction to celestial navigation.
Rose, H. J.
A Handbook of Greek Mythology.
E. P. Dutton: N. Y., 1959. Excellent guide to the world of classic myth and epic.
Scheffer, V. B.
The Year of the Whale.
Charles Scribner’s Sons: N. Y., 1969. A classical natural accounting of a sperm whale’s life over a one year period. Excellent reading for seventh grade and up.
Tomlinson, H. M.
Great Sea Stories of All Nations.
Spring Books: London, 1967. Excellent anthology of sea stories containing synopses of such stories as Jonah and Moby Dick. An excellent source of extended reading activities for teachers and students.