Instrument: Comparison
1. To follow instruction precisely.
2. Increase students’ flexibility in the use of attributes.
3. Use hypothetical thinking and logical evidence to complete a task.
4. Use systematic work so nothing important will be missed.
Improve oral participation in class discussion
Cognitive Function to be addressed
Spontaneous comparative behavior.
Concepts and vocabularies to be introduced
Assumption, sequence
Bridging the discussion to everyday life
Ex. When buying clothes:
I want a dress similar to the one in the window in style and price; different in size and color.
When shopping for food:
Checking a list so you do not forget anything.
To academic areas:
Working on sentence structure and grammar.
¥ underlining the nouns or making a circle around the verbs. etc.
¥ When taking a test, checking questions in order not to skip anything.
¥ When looking for jobs in the newspaper making a circle to those jobs related to students’ skills.
To interpersonal relationships:
having flexibility in the selection of friends or accepting other points of view.
¥ In learning another language
The teacher gives the material to the students and says, “let’s look at this page carefully; have you seen a page like this before?
Answer: Yes
Teacher: Yes, we have seen a page like this before on page 12. Let us read this in order to know what we are being asked to do on this page. After the directions are read either the teacher or the student could do the reading.
Teacher: Tell me how is this page similar to the previous one?
Answer : It has figures, letters, letters in a circle, we are asked to draw figures again.
Teacher: Very good, Now, let us see what is different. If the students do not see the difference, the teacher will explain: In the previous one we were asked to draw figures that are the same as the sample only in those aspects indicated by circling words. Here we are asked to draw figures different from the sample in those aspects indicated by the circles words. Here the teacher emphasizes what she is looking for: Be precise in reading and understanding directions.
Making Assumptions: We are asked to draw only according to those aspects circled; we assume that the drawing can be same as those which are not circle.
Being Flexible: We have to be flexible in looking at the words and checking with the model or looking at the model first and then checking the words.
Here the teacher makes the bridge by giving and asking for examples related to real life experiences related to academics, vocationals etc.
The teacher and students can work together. The teacher draws the first model on the blackboard, writes the words, repeats the instructions and makes the drawing, always giving the student the opportunity to decide which figures should be drawn.
There should be a summary at the end, talking about which part was more difficult on the page and why. The class should talk about the most relevant attributes on the page e.g., shapes, numbers, and colors, and less important attributes, such as size and direction.
Note: If the teacher is not familiar with this instrument, or if she/he is not interested in using it, she/he can prepare her/his own curriculum in comparison, using objects, the students, or any other thing.