Title of Folktale: Stagolee
Toughness, Violence, Accommodation, Racism
To analyze folktale and derive meaning
a. To
folktale using motifs and typologies
b. To
the place of folktales in a society
c. To
folktale to deal with social developments
d. To
the issues in the folktale Stagolee
e. To
the meaning of symbolism and projective fantasy
f. To
the humor and entertainment element in the folktale
Phase 1. (Teacher Control)
A. Teacher asks: What is folktale? Responses will vary, but teacher should direct questions that identify basic elements. Teacher will adjust this phase according to age level. In lower grades, nursery rhymes and fairytales can be enlarged, while the higher levels can be more direct and specific.
B. Teacher will then give an operational definition of folktale 1) that students should note for future discussion
C. Distribute copies of motifs and indexes and explain the classification (see appendix)
Phase 2. (student centered)
Students should read Stagolee (allow silent reading)
The following questions should be distributed:
1. What are the issues?
2. What are Stagolee’s assets?
3. Identify instances of violence.
4. Why was Stagolee a hero?
5. Do you think that there was a real Stagolee?
6. What historical period did Stagolee live in?
7. Why do you think Stagolee was able to survive?
8. Why is this story popular with black “folks”?
9. How do you think members of the other folk groups might respond to Stagolee?
10. What changes in this folktale could be made to make this story more believable or more imaginative?
Phase 3. (Interactive) Students and teachers should discuss in great detail the meaning of the folktale projection and vocabulary should be included in the discussion.
Phase 4. (Summative) Teacher should ask students to identify social development themes that are prevalent in the story. As students respond, raise questions about alternatives in addressing the dilemmas and problems.