Title: Formulating A Folktale: from writing to telling
Title of Folktale:
Character, Deeds, Classification
To develop a brief folktale and tell to peers
a. To allow the IMAGINATION to express conscious and unconscious attitudes in a folktale.
b. To focus on what is important to the student.
c. To identify issues, especially family and friend relationships.
d. To develop a story line.
e. To write a folktale.
f. To read story to peers.
g. To analyze folktales using motif and topical indexes.
1. (Teacher) Read folktale to class.
2. Discuss folktale. Refer to lesson one.
3. Assign students a folktale to read and tell why they selected it.
4. (Student) Write a folktale, using animal characters.
5. Read to class and prepared discussion questions.