Bernstein, Leonard—Schachter, Martin—Winkler, Alan—Wolfe, Stanley. Concepts and Challenges in Earth Science. Globe Book Company. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey Copyright—1991. Basic text for New Haven Public Schools.
Coble, Charles R.—Murray, Elain G.—Rice, Dale R. Earth Science. Prentice-Hall. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632—Copyright -1986. Basic supplemental text for New Haven Public Schools.
Abraham, Norman—Chaney, Donald—Moores, Michael—Swift, Robert, Notkin, Jerome J. Interaction of Earth and Time. Rand McNally & Company. Chicago, ILL—Copyright 1973. Great for student investigations. Diagrams and explanations for the student on weather and oceanography.
Williams, Jack. The Weather Book. Vintage Books. A Division of Random House Inc. New York—Copyright -1992. Good diagrams and explanations of weather phenomena.
Fast 1. Foundational Approaches in Science Teaching Curriculum Research and Development Group. College Education-University of Hawaii—copyright 1978. good weather and oceanography activities with an interdisciplinary approach.