Karen F. Carazo
Ames, Louise Bates and Carol Chase Haber.
Your Nine-Year-Old: Thoughtful and Mysterious
. New York: Delacorte Press, 1987.
An excellent guide to better understanding the nine-year-old.
Andersen, Yvonne.
Make Your Own Animated Movies
. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1970.
An excellent handbook giving valuable tips about equipment and supplies. Also, tips and tested activities for making animated movies.
Andersen, Yvonne.
Make Your Own Movies and Videotapes
. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1971.
An excellent up-to-date guide on the art of filmmaking.
Berne, Patricia H. and Louis M. Savary.
Building Self-Esteem in Children.
New York: Continuum Publishing Co., 1981.
An excellent guide for building self-esteem in children
Bloch, Douglas with Jon Merritt.
Positive Self-Talk for Children: Teaching Self-Esteem Through Affirmations: A Guide for Parents Teachers and Counselors
. New York: Bantam Books, 1993.
An excellent guide for anyone who deals with children on a regular basis.
Yopp, Hallie Kay and Ruth Helen Yopp.
Literature-Based Reading Activities.
Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1992.
An excellent guide of literature-based reading activities which gives activities to be done before, during, and/or after reading.