TEACHER: Imagine you are a slave child working in a big house.
Describe yourself.
Students: beautiful ugly sad happy etc.
Teacher: You are a lucky child because you do not have to work in the hot hot sun. How do you feel?
Students: happy, glad, etc.
Teacher: The only problem is your mistress is mean mean mean woman.
Because you are a slave, she hits you and yells at you all of the time. How do you feel?
Students: sad mad etc.
Teacher: If I were this child, my feelings would be hurt. I’d feel so bad and so sad, I think I”d feel dejected. Can you all say dejected?
(Students repeat word. Teacher writes word on the board)
Teacher: The mistress is so mean to you that she sometimes teases you and calls you names. How do you feel?
Students: mad sad dejected(if student response omits the word dejected, offer it)
Teacher: I remember I felt dejected when....(teacher will share a story of when he/she felt dejected. Then teacher poses more questions)
How would you look if you felt dejected?(await students’ facial responses)
Has anyone here ever felt dejected?
Again students share their personal stories through verbal, written or artistic expression. Upon conclusion of synectics lessons, teacher should emphasize that the emotions discussed are the blues.
Additional Terms: angry, terrified, petrified. horrified, dejected, inferior, lonely, depressed, dehumanized