To learn the format of a friendly letter
To develop writing skills
To promote knowledge of
Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad
Students will read Harriet and the Promised Land by Jacob Lawrence.
Students will respond to the poem and paintings by writing a letter.
Harriet and the Promised Land
1. Teacher will introduce
Harriet Tubman and Underground Railroad
by reading above mentioned text.
2. Instruct students to take notice of the paintings. In whole group discussion students will answer:
Are the illustrations happy or sad or scary? Why?
What colors did Mr. Lawrence use?
Which colors are happy colors? Sad? Scary?
Why are the slaves painted black with little detail to their faces?
Is Harriet Tubman strong?
3. Students then compose a letter to Harriet Tubman. Emphasize the format of a friendly letter. (“Dear “ is the greeting or how one begins the letter; the body is what one has to say in the letter; and the closing is how one says goodbye and sign one’s name)
4. Share and display work.
Further readings on Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad are:
“Harriet Tubman” by Eloise Greenfield(Poem from the book
Honey I Love and Other Poems
Heritage Kids- Kumi and Chanti Tell the Story of Harriet Tubman
by Empak “Black History” Publication Series
Follow the Drinking Gourd