Lesson One
Book: The Moon Lady
Objectives: Students will…
-listen to a tale told by a Chinese grandmother.
-interact in a group by telling stories of their families.
1. Wednesday Delight will lead a discussion by asking students to tell stories
told to them by their parents or grandparents.
2. Wednesday Delight will assist in reading Moon Lady.
3. Questions from the story: What did the mother expect from the little girl?
Was she expected to keep her clothes clean? What was expected of the boys?
Was it the same as for the girls? Was the girl afraid after her clothes got soiled?
4. The students will drink tea while the discussion takes place.
5. Homework assignment: The students will interview their parents or grandparents,
writing a tale told to them about their past.
Lesson Two
Book: The Chinese Mirror
Objective: Students will…
-listen to a tale read to them by Wednesday Delight.
-interact in a group by giving compliments of classmates.
-give a written response by sequencing events from the story.
1. Puppet Wednesday Delight, will assist in reading the story, The Chinese
2. The students will hold a mirror so they can see the reflection of their classmate
while giving kind remarks about their classmate.
3. A follow-up activity will involve students making a fan book and sequencing
events of the story.
Lesson Three
Book: Grandfather Tang's Story: A Tale Told With Tangrans
Objective: Students will…
-listen to a story told by Grandfather Tang.
-interact in a group by telling experiences of grandfathers or an older relative.
-improve their math skills through tangram puzzles.
1. Wednesday Delight will assist in reading the story, Grandfather
Tang's Story: A Tale Told With Tangrams.
The students will discuss experiences with their grandfathers. Do girls have different experiences than boys? The children will compare to see if they are different or the same.
Each student will receive a tangram puzzle, experiment, and make animal shapes.