We, the Children from Mexico As Seen by Her Children (pp. 150-156) will be read and shown to students. This chapter offers several self portraits and personal reflections wherein children speak to issues of national pride and freedom as well as war and poverty. Students will then be given an opportunity to flip through the pages of the book and select a piece of writing that they will choose to recite. Since there are sixteen chapters in the book, students will be assigned to a particular chapter from which to select poetry or prose. Once they have made their selections, they will write them down (these will become their practice sheets). We will then have an oral reading of the student selections in which meanings will be defined and pronunciations corrected as necessary. Afterward, students will continue to work on memorization and elocution. Lastly, they will recite their selections for the class.
Its All Relative Lesson Plan (The unit ends with the exercise below.)
OBJECTIVE: To lead into to issues of ethnicity and family by demonstrating how we are all related through our ancestry, or as Carl Sagan says, We are all cousins -- everyone on Earth.