Atkins, P.W. Physical Chemistry. 2nd Ed. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman and Company, 1982. Discussion of vibrational spectra from a quantum mechanical view.
Cook, B.W. and K. Jones. A Programmed Introduction to Infrared Spectroscopy. New York: Heyden & Son Inc., 1972. Excellent resource for the beginning spectroscopist.
Provides links to IR spectroscopy related websites.
Searchable database of spectra. Can be searched by compound name, CAS No., or number of atoms of each element in the molecule. Will allow you to view and download spectra.
Allows you to enter a wavenumber and returns possible structures.
Morrison, Robert T. and Robert N. Boyd. Organic Chemistry. 5th Ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc., 1987. Provides a brief description of spectroscopy. Includes relevant IR spectra for each family of organic compounds.
Shriner, Ralph L., Fuson, Reynold C., Curtin, David Y., and Terence C. Morrill. The Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds. 6th Ed. New York: Wiley, 1980. Contains a brief section on IR spectroscopy. Mainly a text for identification of compounds by chemical tests.
Silverstein, Robert M., Bassler, G. Clayton, and Terence C. Morrill. Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds. 4th Ed. New York: Wiley, 1981. Description of mass spectrometry, IR spectrometry, 1H NMR spectrometry, 13C spectrometry, and UV spectrometry.
Smith, A. Lee. Applied Infrared Spectroscopy: Fundamentals, Techniques, and Analytical Problem-Solving. New York: Wiley, 1979. Comprehensive treatment of IR spectroscopy. Includes history, instrumentation, sampling techniques, qualitative and quantitative applications.
Socrates, George. Infrared Characteristic Group Frequencies. 2nd Ed. Chichester: Wiley, 1994. A comprehensive reference of correlation tables.
Streitweiser, Jr., Andrew and Clayton H. Heathcock. Introduction to Organic Chemistry. 2nd Ed. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1981. Introductory organic text with a section on IR spectroscopy. Includes spectroscopic information as each family is presented.
Student Reading List
Morrison, Robert T. and Robert N. Boyd. Organic Chemistry. 5th Ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc., 1987, pp573-576.
Classroom Materials
The following materials should be available for student use for the investigations: stopwatches, swings of various lengths, springs with different force constants or many springs with the same force constant, masses of different magnitude (washers may be used if commercial masses are not available), measuring tape, triple beam balances. If computers are available MacSpartan for the Macintosh or PC Spartan for Windows brings the vibrational motion of atoms within specific molecules to life.
Answer: 1000 cm-1 and 500 cm-1