The Spirit of the Maya: A Boy Explores His People’s Mysterious Past
Objectives: Students will…
-listen to a story read to them by Friday, (a classroom puppet.)
-interact in a group by telling stories about their families.
1. Friday will assist in reading The Spirit of the Maya: A Boy Explores His
People’s Mysterious past.
2. Questions for discussion: Why do you think Kin preferred Spanish instead of the Mayan language. Do you think people living in the United States today who can speak both Spanish and English prefer English? Why? Whydoes Kin prefer soccer instead of making clay figures? Do you think it would have anything to do with the fact that soccer is a popular national sport in Mexico? Would that make Kin more popular with his classmates if he chose soccer? Why?
3. Homework assignment: The students will interview a family member, writing something interesting from their past.